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Hardcover , Cetakan ke 18 , pages. Dengan menguasai empat materi pokok ini dan mengamalkannya, rasanya cukup sudah bekal kita dalam meniti jalan keselamatan Al-Ghazali, despite being a scholar, was not an expert in the field of hadith and thus the hadith narrations contained in his book were scrutinized. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Ibn Qudamah remarked that whenever he read Ibn al Jawzi's Minhajul Qasidin, he felt that this book was very useful for society, so he would read it again in order to absorb the deeper meaning for the second time. Open Preview See a Problem? kitab minhajul qasidin

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Dengan menguasai empat materi pokok ini dan mengamalkannya, rasanya cukup sudah bekal kita dalam meniti jalan keselamatan Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Apr. Ibn al-Jawzi's efforts in rewriting the book is qasivin important and while he had similarities with Al-Ghazali in terms of mastery in mysticism, he also had the superiority of expertise in the knowledge of the hadiths.

The reworking by Ibn al-Jawzi focused on the re-examination of the existing hadiths, elimination of weak and disputed hadiths and their replacement with the authentic and sound ones so that the integrity of the book was not compromised.

Minhajul Qashidin: Jalan Orang-Orang yang Mendapat Petunjuk

There are no discussion topics on this book yet. HardcoverCetakan ke 18pages. They then wrote the Minhaj-al-Qasidin and its overview called Mukhtasar. He went into a long journey, travelling to DamascusJerusalem and finally to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage.

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Tarek Salman rated it it was ok May 09, Refresh and try again. Quotes from Minhajul Qashidin Mohammed Radwan rated it it was ok Mar 19, Marwan rated it it was ok Apr 05, Kamel rated it it was ok Feb 18, Articles containing Arabic-language text. Dan Bab terakhir tentang hal-hal yang menyelamatkan.

kitab minhajul qasidin

It explains the doctrines and practices of Islam and showed how these can be made qasixin basis of a profound devotional life, leading to the higher stages of Sufismor mysticism. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Al-Ghazali, despite being a scholar, was not an expert in the field of hadith and thus the hadith narrations contained in his book were scrutinized.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Mengingat besarnya kandunagn dari kitab beliau, maka Ibnu Qudamah pun menyajikan mukhtashar Minhajul Qashidin Al-Iman Jamaluddin Ibnul Jauzi, sebagai ulama yang sangat menonjol, menulis kitab Minhajul Qashidin yang amat lengkap bahasanya dan luas cakupannya.

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It became the most frequently read Islamic book after the Quran and the hadith. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Ghazali was the student of Al-Juwayniunder whom he studied religious sciences, including Islamic law and jurisprudence.

Hadith mlnhajul like Ibn al-Jawzi and Ibn al-Qudamah al-Maqdisi researched and sorted out the hadith narrations contained in the book on the basis of their authenticities.

Return to Book Page. To ask other readers questions about Minhajul Qashidinplease sign up. He left his post at the institution on request of pilgrimage. Ibn Qudamah remarked that whenever he read Ibn al Jawzi's Minhajul Qasidin, he felt that this book was very useful for society, so he would read it again in order to absorb the deeper meaning for the second time. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

The book is divided into four parts, each containing ten books. Retrieved from " https: By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Its great accomplishment was to bring orthodox Sunni theology and Sufi mysticism together in a qssidin, comprehensible manner to guide every aspect of Muslim life and death.

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