Saturday, 14 December 2019


This report provides additional information on the program above. These loads come from a variety of sources, as seen on the right. Notify me of new comments via email. Analysis performed by Program COM is dependent upon soil parameters input to the program. Email required Address never made public. com624p program

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Pile Capacity Programs and Spreadsheet: Axial and Lateral

We called it C-pile. Open the file with an appropriate file and extract the installation file into a temporary directory.

I would like to use your spreadsheet.

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Hi… I cna;t download com manual… Please upload com manual Like Like. It calculates the lateral displacements of the pile for a lateral load and a moment applied at the head of the pile. The tu report also presented criteria for developing these soil response curves in various types of soils.

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You are commenting using your Google account. In coming posts I will post an Excel based pile lateral load analysis program, based on the same principles as COM A program for the analysis of the deflection and capacity of piles under lateral loads. July 13, at 7: July 13, at 3: Complete instructions and documentation is also available here as well.

February 26, at Email required Address never made public. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

COM download and documentation sites | Newton Excel Bach, not (just) an Excel Blog

Good process, cheers Like Like. These soil parameters take the form of curves which simulate the nonlinear interaction of the pile and surrounding soil. Click here for information on pile capacity and its determination.

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Skip to content The ultimate objective of any driven pile is to carry some kind of load. Reese and his colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin, and is based on the p-y curve protram.

It only calculates the EI for a circular or rectangular reinforced concrete section. The original version of the CLM spreadsheet Brettmann and Duncan, used the Programm method to calculate deflections and bending moments in single piles, and the Group Amplification Method to calculate deflections and moments for piles in pile groups.

The link to the manual is still active. Values of group amplification factors for deflection and moment were computed using the method developed by Focht and Koch Below are some programs and one spreadsheet.

Proogram is given on the screen, in the form of the response of the top of the pile. I am trying to design a micropile. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A computer program called COM64, along with the documentation, progrm developed com624l the University of Texas tu at Austin, to analyse laterally loaded pile problems.

September 28, at 8: September 27, at 6: Update 10 Mar These relationships were found to be capable of representing the nonlinear behaviour of single piles and drilled shafts quite accurately, producing essentially the same values of deflection and maximum moment as p-y analysis computer programs like COM and LpilePlus3.

If I want to modify the code specially based on this shape what can I do? The characteristic load method CLM of analysis of laterally loaded piles Duncan et al.

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